Showing a white Cube Terrazzo Planter for hire on a balcony with a Philodendron Zanadu.
Showing a grey Duffel Planter with NZ Umbrella Tree beside a striped Chair.
A balcony showing a Terrazzo Cube Planter for hire in white with a Rhapis Palm.
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Aged Care


Aged Care Indoor Plant Hire Brisbane

A green place is a happy place.  In 2018 we were asked to supply indoor plants to a Retirement and Aged Care Village.  The interior designers and the owners understood the benefits of indoor plants for this industry.  Even though the building has significant outdoor green areas it was still considered beneficial to have indoor plants as well.

From first-hand experience in servicing the building, I can honestly say, Indoor Plants have special significance for the elderly:

  • they soften interiors and make it more relaxing
  • they remind the elderly of their own gardens
  • they allow the elderly to discuss the beautiful plants (sometimes they are surprised as they may think they are artificial)
  • they allow the elderly to talk to the friendly service staff and discuss how the plants are maintained in such great condition.

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